Bibhuti Bhushan Malik
Professor of Sociology and Former Dean, Ambedkar School of Social Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU) Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Bibhuti Bhushan Malik, MA, M.Phil and PhD (JNU), New Delhi is a Professor of Sociology, Ambedkar School of Social Sciences, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU) Lucknow for more than twelve year. He is former Dean of Social Sciences and held several key academic-administrative positions including Chief Proctor and Professor in Charge in university works departments. Earlier, he worked in Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi, National Institute of Social Work and Social Sciences, Bhubaneswar and Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, Agra. The best part of his career and craftmanship to Sociology has started under the famous mentorship of the tallest order, Professor Yogendra Singh at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Professor Malik’s several monographs and scholarly works are published in national and international journals besides contributions in edited volumes. In addition, he has prepared and worked on major consultancy research projects funded by the UGC and several reputed research organisations. He has developed course materials for IGNOU and Rajshree Tandon Open University and published two books of reputed national publishers. His research works and articles are published in Economic and Political Weekly, Social Change, Contemporary Voice of Dalits and Journal of Rural Development among other publications.
As the department’s founder Head (2011-14), he too keenly developed the courses which are currently of high demand vis-à-vis promoting the inter-disciplinary approach. Besides guiding 21 M.Phil. and twelve PhD students effectively, he has taken up the major initiative to develop the research talents of young academics and research scholars. He also delivered more than 200 invited lectures and presentations at the national and international symposia. As a member of many national and international professional organisations, including the International Sociological Association, Maharashtra Sociological Society, Uttar Pradesh Sociological Society, and Odisha Sociological Society, he has actively been contributing to enlarge the space of academics under aegis of many such scholarly platforms and bodies. Furthermore, he served the UGC Epoch Making Indian Thinkers Committee to evaluate project proposals for establishment of Dr. Ambedkar Study Centres in different universities and colleges in India. He is actively engaged in academic affairs of UPPSC, MPPSC and nominee in panel of subject expert in UPSC, New Delhi and assessor of the NAAC, Bengaluru. He also has been serving as an external member of various states and central universities’ Research Advisory Committees (RAC), Board of Post Graduate Studies (BPGS), and Departmental Research Committees (DRC) by actively contributing to the enrichment of syllabus, course materials and research activities. He has also collaborated with several NGOs and other development sectors. Professor Bibhuti Bhushan Malik has received several awards and recognition from different bodies and statutory organisations. His persistent and genuine attempt has been to empirically and theoretically advance the discipline of sociology. His latest forthcoming edited volume Critical Conjunctures of Religion and Inter-Faith Traditions: Essays from the Global South is by Routledge India.